Educational videos:
100’s of videos are now available on YouTube covering a broad range of astrological subjects.
Every subject is explored in depth by World-class astrologer David Cochrane.

David Cochrane
David Cochrane is main author of the Kepler, Sirius and Pegasus programs. He is the lead programmer and professional astrologer at Cosmic Patterns Software. Daivd is also the author of the Major Life Themes Report, Harmonic Highlights Report, and AstroLocality Report. He has a BA degree in psychology, was a practicing astrologer in the mid 1970’s and switched to computer programming in the late 1970’s. He still practice astrology at the present time on special cases.
David began his astrology practice in 1973. He is a well known speaker in astrological community and astrological conferences. His lectures are well attended and well received. He is the founder Cosmic Patterns Software Inc., and is the lead software programmer of the development team that makes the Kepler and Pegasus astrology programs. He received a B.A. degree in 1972 with a major in psychology.
David pioneered some new theories of astrological interpretation using harmonics and midpoints in the 1970’s, but since that time has been devoted to developing astrology software. David plans to continue working on and supporting his astrological programs for many, many years.
Subjects covered:
Sirius and Kepler: Introduction, User Interface, Customizing, Using Features
Tutorial videos on Sirius and Kepler.
NOTE: Sirius is used in these tutorial videos, but the basic features are in Kepler as well. Sometimes it is mentioned if a feature is not in Kepler.
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- Tutorial Astrology Videos – The Introduction. 1:39
- The User Interface 41:16
- The Advanced Features 36:55
- How to Customise the Chart Wheel in Sirius 42:21
- Sirius: Accurate Daylight Saving Time Tables 33:55
- Customising Interpretation Reports in Kepler and Sirius 41:01
- Advanced Customising of Chart Wheels in Sirius 35:25
- Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Issues in Astrology 11:50
- Colours of Chart Wheels in Sirius 19:30 10 Best Ways to Email Reports from Kepler and Sirius 32:49
- Best Ways to Email Reports from Kepler and Sirius 32:49
- Combine part Fortune and part of Spirit in the Chart Wheel 6:44
- Improve and Expand, or Start, Your Astrology Business 28:54
- How to Put a Picture in the Centre of a Chart Wheel – Sirius 2.0 16:59
- How to Access AstroDatabank Data in Sirius 2.0 24:35
- Astrology Charts of Famous People 18:45
- The “Any Asteroid” feature of Sirius 2.0 5:08
- Sirius Introduction, The User Interface 33:54
- How to Organise Your Chart Data in Sirius (original) 44:05
- How to Organise Your Chart Data in Sirius (version two) 42:54
- Design and Write Your Own Astrology Interpretive Report 28:52
- How to Save a Planet Mandala Animation to File 15:21
- Innovations of the Kepler and Sirius Software, Part 1 17:22
- Innovations of the Kepler and Sirius Software, Part 2 57:12
- Sirius Data Entry Screen 16:47
Subjects covered:
Zodiac Signs, Houses, Basic Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology,
Zodiac Signs, Houses, Introduction to Astrology, Basic Astrology
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- 20 Free Astrology Lessons: A Complete Course 11:36
- Introduction to Astrological Interpretation: Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects, Rulerships 44:20
- Free Astrology Software 18:26
- How to Interpret the Birth Chart 45:18
- The Different Methods of Astrological Interpretation 28:01
- Zodiac signs: From Ptolemy and Valens to Alan Leo and Linda Goodman 28:44
- A New View of Zodiac Signs 18:17
- Zodiac Signs: 12 Phases of a Cycle 15:2
- Aries: Warrior, Pioneer, Lone Wolf, or Self-Reliant 38:22
- Taurus and the Tao: Evidence from Research on Zodiac Sign Taurus 38:29
- Gemini: Curiosity and the Need to Enjoy Learning About the World We Live In 52:53
- Cancer: the “Cosmic Egg” 35:57
- Leo: Lion King or Identity Formation 33:51
- Virgo: Fussy or Platonic? 35:06
- Libra: Building Relationships 40:24
- Scorpio: Snake, Eagle, and Phoenix 44:08
- Sagittarius: Life is An Adventure 45:31
- Capricorn: Witness Consciousness 32:22
- Aquarius: Eccentric, Ideological, or Finding One’s Social Network? 36:38
- Pisces: Mystic, Dreamer, or Eclectic? 43:06
- Which Zodiac is Correct: Tropical Or Sidereal? 16:57
- The Basis of the Tropical Zodiac: Sacred Geometry (Not Seasons) 25:06
- Evolutionary Astrology and Science 37:59
- Whole Sign Houses, Quadrant Hou
- What Are Jungian Archetypes? 30:28
- Is Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac sign? 23:25
- How Fibonacci Numbers Create the Zodiac 53:46
- Mastering Astrology: Quickly Identify Aspects, etc. 30:31
Subjects covered:
Forecasting: Modern Methods
Transits, Progressions, Directions, Rectification, Financial, Ancient, Cosmobiology, Harmonics, Symmetrical, Animated Wheels, Time Line, Forecast Graphs, etc.
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- Sirius Astrology Software: Prediction with Transits 32:53
- Sirius Astrology Software: Advanced Prediction Methods with Transits and Progressions 30:13
- Sirius Astrology Software: The AstroSignature Forecast Graph 33:21
- Sirius Astrology Software: Chart Wheel Animation, Chart Adjust, and Electional Astrology 37:21
- Solar Returns to the Composite Chart and Other Fancy Astrological Techniques 32:48
- The Neptune-Pluto Cycle, Minor Aspects, and Current Trends 40:29
- Sirius Astrology Software: Composite Charts and Phase Angles in Astrological Forecasting 36:27
- Predicting Accidents with Midpoints 39:16
- The Graphic Ephemeris in Sirius 1.3 37:52
- Different Methods of Calculating Secondary Progressed Houses 31:15
- Electional Astrology: Picking a Wedding Day 40:47
- Sirius astrology software: AstoCalendar feature 11:42
- How to Select Progressed-to-Natal Listings in Sirius Astrology Software 25:41
- Secondary, Tertiary, and Minor Progressions 23:07
- The Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius: What They Are and When They Begin 36:18
- The Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, Part 2: How to Determine When An Age Begins 10:05
- Why Sidereal Charts Based on a Fixed Star Are Slightly Inaccurate 20:58
- Is Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac sign? 23:25
- What is a Diurnal Chart? 26:54
- Predicting Athletic Performance with Vibrational Astrology 26:53
- Composite Charts and Phase Angles in Forecasting, Part 2 29:34
- Reagan vs. Mondale in 1984: Astrological Analysis 46:18
- Donald Trump: Astrological Prediction for 2016 42:44
- Donald Trump: Astrological Prediction 2016, Part 2 5:09
- Purpose of Astrological Forecasts: A Guide to Help Make Decisions 40:40
- Sacred Geometry and Saturn Stations 38:27
- USA Presidential Primary Election: March 16 Update 15:28
- How To Interpret Retrograde Planets 29:35
- Donald Trump’s Campaign Strategy Change on August 24 7:04
- Picking Dates the Easy Way: The Electional Graph 47:13
Subjects covered:
Forecasting: Ancient, Financial, Rectification, AstroMeteorology
Primary Directions, Hellenistic, Medieval, Picatrix, Financial Forecasting, Rectification
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- Astrology: Birth Chart Rectification using Transits and Progressions 36:02
- Financial Astrology: How to Forecast Stock and Commodity Prices Using Kepler and Sirius 32:14
- Predicting Gold Prices with Harmonic Astrology 42:58
- Sirius Astrology Software: Financial Forecasting and Synodic Cycles 18:46
- Financial Astrology: How to Import Data and Select Peak Dates in Kepler and Sirius Software 31:10
- Sirius Astrology Software: Electional Astrology Graph, Classical Astrology, and the Picatrix 32:46
- Introduction to Hellenistic Time Lords 32:54
- Astrological Forecasting with Primary Directions 33:50
- Secondary Progressions, Primary Directions, and Fractals 29:32
- AstroMeteorology: Predictng the Weather with Astrology 34:57
- How to Calculate Primary Directions 46:0
Subjects covered:
Relocational Astrology
Also known as AstroLocality
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- Introduction to Relocational Astrology and AstroCartography 21:28
- AstroCartography and In Mundo Planet Positions 36:04
- Relocational Astrology: How to Pick a Place 36:35
- Relocation Astrology for Married Couples and Partners 29:00
- Astrology Tutorial: How to Place a Local Space Chart on a Google Map 23:43
- Trines, Sextiles, and Noviles in AstoLocality 33:23
- The Arabic Parts AstroMap 18:56
- Geodetic Houses and the Goedetic AstroMap 23:46
- Treasure Maps feature of Kepler and Sirius 24:22
- Relocational Astrology for the 21st Century by Kelly Lee Phipps 1:41:18
- Aspect Lines and Midpoint Lines in In Mundo AstroMaps (AstroCartography Maps) 41:58
- How to Verify that In Mundo Aspect Lines and In Mundo Midpoint Lines Are Correct 28:30
Subjects covered:
Special Topics: Asteroids, Degree Meanings, Parans, Vedic, Planet Nodes, etc.
Special astrological methods (note: for forecasting with special astrological methods see the two Forecasting playlists)
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- Sirius Astrology Software: Analyzing and Interpreting Asteroids 35:53
- Degree Meanings and Sabian Symbols in Astrology 37:03
- Sirius Astrology Software: Selecting Planetary Nodes 12:30
- Introduction to Vedic Astrology 36:37
- Nakshatras, Navamsa Signs, and Padas 24:02
- Vedic Astrology: Vimsottari Dasas 34:48
- Hellenistic Parans and Rotated Parans 34:42
- Chiron: Wounded Healer, Quiet Charisma, Focused Self-Expression, or An Electric Circuit 1:29:08
- A Formula for Determining the Importance of Asteroids 24:53
- AstroMeteorology: Predictng the Weather with Astrology 34:57
- Interpretation of Out of Bounds Planets 19:50
- Avalon’s Second Commencement – Jan 17, 2015 Christopher Pridham 26:40
- Starlene Breiter graduating from the Avalon School of Astrology 1:11
- Nakshatras: One of India’s Great Contributions to Astrology 9:15
- The Nakshatra Report: Gaining a Deep Insight into Nakshatras 8:0
- A Short Course in the History of Astrology 2:07
- The Ancient Formula for Part of Fortune: Why It Makes Sense 25:19
- Fixed Stars in Astrology 33:15
- Ceres in Astrology: A Humanitarian Perspective on the Natural World 36:39
- Ceres in Astrology, Part 2 23:47
- Interpreting Planetary Nodes in Astrology, Part 1 13:41
- Interpreting Planetary Nodes in Astrology, Part 2 42:35
Subjects covered:
Planet Mandalas & Astronomy
Planet Mandalas, Astronomy for astrologers, Lecture to astronomers
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- Astronomy for Astrologers Course: 21 Tutorial Videos 10:41
- What is Declination? 35:52
- How House Cusps Are Calculated 29:31
- How Placidus House Cusps Are Calculated and True Placidus House Positions Are Determined 43:05
- Planetary Orbits Make Beautiful Patterns 6:52
- The Moon’s Mean Node and True Node 18:51
- Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 1 32:29
- Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 2 32:34
- Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 3 26:41
- Astronomy for Astrologers, Part 4 31:45
- Planetary Orbits and Planet Mandalas 35:38
- The Ascendant and Birth Charts near the Arctic Circle 17:08
- Astrology: Science or Superstition? Part 1 of 6 10:37
- Astrology: Science or Superstition? Part 2 of 6 8:43
- Astrology: Science or Superstition? Part 3 of 6 12:15
- Astrology:Science or Superstition? Part 4 of 6 6:59
- Astrology: Science or Superstition? Part 5 of 6 10:09
- Astrology: Science or Superstition? Part 6 of 6 9:05
- Essentials of Planet and Minor Planet Orbits 30:02
- Astronomy Quiz: Simple Questions That You May Not Know the Answer To 27:21
- Astronomy Quiz, Part 2: Simple Questions That You May Not Know the Answer To 16:18
- Astronomy Quiz, Part 3: Simple Questions That You May Not Know the Answer To 38:56
- Visualizing Retrograde Motion of Planets 20:05
- How to Save a Planet Mandala Animation to File 15:21
- Is Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac sign? 23:25
Subjects covered:
Research, Astrology & Science, Astrology & Geometry, Astrology & Math,
Astrology & Divination, History of Astrology
Research methods, research studies, and investigations into what astrologers do and whether the information provided by astrologers is accurate or useful.
Complete List of Video Titles HERE
- Course in Fibonacci Numbers, Phi, Primes and Astrology 6:28
- How to Conduct Astrology Research: A Course of 25 Tutorial Videos 16:36
- Introduction to Astrology Research using Kepler or Sirius 22:59
- How to Conduct Astrology Research 18:54
- Advanced AstroSignature Research Features of Kepler and Sirius 25:35
- How to Access AstroDatabank Data in Sirius 2.0 24:35
- Astrology Charts of Famous People 18:45
- Extreme Case Sampling: The Fast Path to Understanding Astrology 35:42
- Possible Astrological Indicators of Mental Illness 31:27
- Did Gauquelin Prove astrology? Part1 27:58
- Did Gauquelin Prove astrology? Part 2 12:41
- Astrology Research: Evaluating Your Findings 18:43
- Astrology: Divination or Science 26:54
- Evidence that Astrology is a Science 3:28
- The History of Astrology from Earliest Beginnings to Today 35:36
- Fibonacci Numbers as a Basis of Ruling Planets of Zodiac Signs 12:07
- Fibonacci numbers, decanates, and antiscia 8:38
- Fibonacci Numbers,Ruling Planets of Zodiac Signs,and Modern Physics 30:14
- Fibonacci numbers, dwadasamsa signs, the planet ladder, and the elements and modes of zodiac signs 25:03
- Hellenistic Bounds, Zodiac Sign Rulers, and Prime Numbers 40:30
- Exaltation and Joys of Planets, and Prime Numbers 41:05
- The Golden Ratio as a Basis of Exaltation Degrees and Hellenistic Bounds 17:13
- Using Research to Improve the Teaching and Understanding of Astrology 38:46
- Building Bridges in Astrology by Kelly Lee Phipps 1:29:38
- An Investigation into Astrology, Part 1 of 4. 6:08
- An Investigation into Astrology, Part 2 of 4 6:06
- An Investigation into Astrology, Part 3 of 4 4:54
- An Investigation into Astrology, Part 4 of 4 5:22
- Astrology and the Rig Veda 13:39
- Why Many Scientists Consider Astrology to Be a Pseudoscience 13:37
- Fibonacci Numbers As A Basis of the Zodiac 30:22
- Fibonacci Numbers, the 4 Elements, Zodiac Sign Gender, and the Planet Ladder 52:37
- The Astrology of Carl Jung 32:40
- Exploratory Research in the Sirius Software: the Artificial Intelligence Feature 31:31
- Outliers, Correlation Values, and Extreme Case Sampling 31:59
- What Are Jungian Archetypes? 30:28
- Astrologers Rob Hand and Steven Forrest Part 1 1:01:58
- Astrologers Rob Hand and Steven Forrest Part 2 42:25
- How Fibonacci Numbers Create the Zodiac 53:46